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João Nunes Sampaio
PhD in Design (University of Aveiro)
Presidency (School of Architecture)
  Assistant Professor
João Sampaio (Porto, 1979), industrial designer (since 2002) and university professor (since 2009), having taught at the universities of Coimbra, Aveiro and Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave.
He is an assistant professor at the School of Architecture, Art and Design of the University of Minho in the graduation in Product Design and in the Master in Product and Service Design.
PhD in Design (2016) from the University of Aveiro, with the thesis 'Narrative and visualization - Strategies for effectiveness in collaborative design practice'.
He is a member of the Lab2PT unit in the Design and Technology research group (DeTech), and since 2012 he has been a researcher at the international ID+DESIS laboratory, a member of the DESIS - Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability network. He participated in research projects such as: Katch_e: Knowledge Alliance on the Development of Products-Services for the Circular Economy and Sustainability in Higher Education (KATCH_e); OIS - Social Innovation Workshops; MELES Project - “More Entrepreneurial Life at European Schools” Aveiro Summer School and Iberian CEBT - Technologically Based Entrepreneurial Skills - Entrepreneurship Mentorship Program.

It maintains research interests and professional activity related to product design and services, collaborative design, strategies and operational tools for sustainable design - in which co-design encourages an active approach, involving people and stakeholders in the generation of information and development, leading to effective and holistic solutions.
Product and service design
Social innovation
Strategies and operational tools for the practice of collaborative design
Selected publications
Sampaio J., Afonso, A. (2021) Innovation through circular economy: Tool development for multidisciplinary approach to product-service-system, Design In: Design Culture(s) Cumulus Conference Proceedings Volume #2, Cumulus the Global Association of Art and Design Education and Research. Roma, 2021 DOI
Terroso M., Sampaio J., Vilaça J. (2021) Office Personal Assistant. Towards a Design and AI Approach. In: Martins N., Brandão D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication. Digicom 2020. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 12. Springer, Cham DOI
Rocha, C., Camocho, D., Sampaio, J., Alexandre, J. (eds.) - Product-Service development for circular economy and sustainability course. Lisboa: LNEG – Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia DOI
Sampaio, J., Baganha, A., Gomes, F. & Terroso, M. (2018). Bounding fields of knowledge: co-designing regional pottery of the Cávado sub-region as a strategic potential of museological differentiation and product development, in Broega et al. (Eds) Reverse Design: A Current Scientific Vision From the International Fashion and Design Congress, CRC Press, Taylors & Francis DOI
Design Indústria
Laboratório de Investigação