Paula is Assistant Professor in Product Design at the Architectural School of University of Minho and is a member of LAB2PT research center. She is a pos-doc researcher on Design at CIAUD since April 2017. For the last 20 years she has been working on Product Design as teacher and researcher in some relevant Portuguese universities. Her main research domain are Inclusive Design, accessibility and user experience. She worked on Interaction and Accessibility to information, and public transports (for STCP and Metro do Porto) and has been invited as a speaker at many events, specially related to the theme of Design, Creativity, Accessibility and Inclusion. She authored and participated in several academic papers and other publications and coordinated a number of planning, architectural and design projects, including at her own atelier. She graduated in architecture in 1989. Recently Paula participated as a researcher at Future Cities Project - Porto Living Lab and presently participates in "RISEWISE -Women with Disability in social engagement" a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange.
Future City
Social Intervention
Selected publications
Trigueiros, P., Teles, R., & Godinho, F. (2017). TOM:Porto “Mudar o Mundo” no Porto: Reflexão crítica sobre os desafios e resultados do “Tikkun Olam Makers” no Porto, no âmbito das Jornadas SUPERA, em Junho 2017. (Universidade do Minho). Guimarães. DOI
Morgado, L., Rodrigues, R., Coelho, A., Magano, O., Calçada, T., Trigueiros, P., … Ramos, L. (2015). Cities in citizens’ hands. In Procedia Computer Science (Vol. 67, pp. 430–438). Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin, Germany: Elsevier. DOI
Cunha, A., Cunha, Evandro, Emanuel, P., & Trigueiros, P. (2016). Helping older people: is there an app for that? In Procedia Computer Science (Vol. 100, pp. 118–127). Porto: Elsevier B.V. DOI
Trigueiros, P. (2017). The Right to Design - Merging Boundaries: #1- from mainstream to exclusive design #2- from exclusive to inclusive design- WORKSHOP. Presented at the Senses and Sensibility 2017- Design Beyond Borders, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal. DOI
Cunha, A., Adão, T., & Trigueiros, P. (2014). HelpmePills: A Mobile Pill Recognition Tool for Elderly Persons. Procedia Technology, 16, 1523–1532. DOI
Other publications
Trigueiros, P., Teles, R., & Godinho, F. (2017). TOM:Porto “Mudar o Mundo” no Porto: Reflexão crítica sobre os desafios e resultados do “Tikkun Olam Makers” no Porto, no âmbito das Jornadas SUPERA, em Junho 2017. (Universidade do Minho). Guimarães. DOI
Morgado, L., Rodrigues, R., Coelho, A., Magano, O., Calçada, T., Trigueiros, P., … Ramos, L. (2015). Cities in citizens’ hands. In Procedia Computer Science (Vol. 67, pp. 430–438). Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin, Germany: Elsevier. DOI
Cunha, A., Cunha, Evandro, Emanuel, P., & Trigueiros, P. (2016). Helping older people: is there an app for that? In Procedia Computer Science (Vol. 100, pp. 118–127). Porto: Elsevier B.V. DOI
Trigueiros, P. (2017). The Right to Design - Merging Boundaries: #1- from mainstream to exclusive design #2- from exclusive to inclusive design- WORKSHOP. Presented at the Senses and Sensibility 2017- Design Beyond Borders, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal. DOI
Cunha, A., Adão, T., & Trigueiros, P. (2014). HelpmePills: A Mobile Pill Recognition Tool for Elderly Persons. Procedia Technology, 16, 1523–1532. DOI
Cultura do Design Contemporâneo
Design Indústria