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Áreas: Visual Arts / Painting
Vagas: 15
Duração do curso: 4 meses (96 horas)
Regime/Horário: after work – face-to-face regime
Lingua de trabalho: Português/ Inglês/ Francês
Local de funcionamento: Garagem Avenida (Guimarães)
Valor das propinas: 300€
Docente Responsável: João do Vale


It is the current conjuncture of the international pictorial medium itself that demands the realisation of this course, having in mind also an updating of the painting panorama at a national level. A more expressionist (or expressive) and abstract painting has never been greatly supported by the national panorama, which has always been fond of a certain realism and ability to make. Without this there would be no painting in Portugal. Now, the international scene offers a whole new range of new pictorial solutions that do not need the confirmation of skill, but invoke the perspective of doing (of putting into action) the pictorial act and its imagetic power that self-references as true without the truth of the skilful eye.

Course goals  

The course aims to train and/or instruct potential painters/artists (or artists already developing a work in continuity) about the possibilities and new pictorial options present in international abstract art, which will help them to understand not only what they already do and want to do, but also what they intend to do. Given that the current pictorial possibilities are immense, it is also intended to develop in potential abstract painters/visual artists an awareness of what can always be done according to the artist's own will and possibilities. In other words, that, in an inclusive way, it becomes conscious in each one that their pictorial solution, fully developed during and after the course, meets their artistic and ontological aspirations. The awareness of a fully realizable artistic path is intended to meet the artistic goals of each one, so that each one can realize an artistic language of their own and personal (here in the case of abstract painting) and thus produce artistic material of value, integrated and current.

Learning results 

The student should, at the end of the course, not only visually identify abstract painting (in its brief history and its most recent developments), but also be able to express himself/herself through abstraction, know materials and their construction possibilities, as well as gain a self-awareness of his/her expressive abilities and the development of pictorial language or languages that allow for ease of expression. Students should be able to self-identify with abstract movement and refer to it within their practice. They should also present a consistent and satisfactory body of work that demonstrates mastery of practice and reflection on abstract painting.

Target public

Over 18 years old and open to the intra and extra university community. Any UM student, even if under 18 years old, can enrol.